
Race Management 101

Mistakes of the Rookie Race Director

I love the show Restaurant Impossible on the Food Network. If you’ve never seen the show, the premise is that a failing restaurant calls in Chef Robert Irvine, who has

When Should I Put on a Race?

  One of the questions that I get asked the most from race directors is when should I have my race. I always respond with an answer the does little

Creating a Race Website

It’s 2012 and I think it’s safe to say the Internet is here to stay. That means if you are a race director, your race should have a website. However,

Accept Credit Cards on Race Day

  I was wrong. I’ve been to a few local races where they took credit cards as a form of pavement and always wondered, why were they were so accommodating? 

Race Directors – KISS

    Apple CEO Tim Cook in a recent earnings call stated that at Apple “We believe in simple, not the complex.” I’m a firm believer in Kelly Johnson’s KISS

Race Management 101

What You Should Know About Race Logos

  I’m going to let you in on a secret.  At RunColo we send out a monthly e-blast where upcoming races can advertise their event.  I’ve gotten good, really good

Gun Time or Net Time?

After timing large races, we often get a few questions from runners asking why results are not posted by chip time and instead by gun time. Isn’t that the whole

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